Lymington and Pennington’s Proclamation of the King

Crowds gathered at both Lymington and Pennington’s respective war memorials, on Sunday 11th September 2022, to hear the Accession Proclamation of the new King, Charles III.

The Town Mayor, Cllr James Hoare, delivered the proclamation, and commented;

 “ It was an honour yesterday to be asked to make the Local Proclamation in Lymington and Pennington to announce the Accession of King Charles III. Although there was little time to publicise the event, some 100 people gathered at the War Memorial outside St Thomas church at 3pm. It was an emotional occasion, marking the end of HM Queen Elizabeth’s long reign, and the succession of King Charles. The traffic slowed respectfully when they saw what was happening.

I then went to the War Memorial in Pennington with my fellow Councillors where I read the Local Proclamation to a smaller group of residents at 4pm. The sun was out and I enjoyed sharing thoughts and feelings about this historic moment with everyone afterwards.” 

The Town Mayor was joined by the Town Clerk, Louise Young, Hampshire County Councillor, Barry Dunning and Councillors from Lymington and Pennington, with the Deputy Town Mayor acting as Mace bearer and proceeding the Mayor to the ceremony.

Choir members from St Thomas’ Church Lymington attended, starting the National Anthem at the conclusion of the proclamation.

Many members of public attended with Sergeant Andrew Gwyer supporting the event.

Photos courtesy of Paul French


A second wildfire broke out on Saturday 30th July 2022 at Pennington Common. The first call was put into the emergency services at 15.55, with officers from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire service on site by 16.04.


The fire was bought under control within one hour using five hose reel jets, one landrover and two main jets. Fire crews stayed until 21:19 to damp down, with inspections through the night and following morning.


The extent of damage travelled from Wainsford Road stretching towards St Marks Graveyard.


Between the two fires it has resulted in the burning of an approximate two hectare area comprised mainly of gorse scrub, together with mixed deciduous scrub, mature trees and species rich grassland. Both fires travelled in a north easterly direction, carried by the prevailing south westerly wind.


Pennington Common is in the ownership of Lymington and Pennington Town Council and the management of the SSSI, part of the New Forest National Park, is undertaken in conjunction with Natural England and support from the Higher-Level Stewardship scheme.


Emergency meetings have taken place with the Town Clerk, Natural England and Station Commander for New Forest West Fire Service to identify areas where mulching and cutting should take place. With the primary aim of minimising risk to any properties and enable any further fires to be bought under control quickly. Contractors are rescheduling other work to carry out the required reductions on Friday 5th August. The annual grass cutting, and removal has been completed. Ditching clearance will take place from Monday 8th August.


The Fire service and police are setting up a community contact point on Pennington Common this coming Saturday 6th August in the afternoon. The is to provide community reassurance and fire safety advice. Two operational vehicles will be present, these may have to depart at short notice.


If any person has knowledge as to how the fire may have started on either occasion, the Town Council urges them to contact the police.


Lymington and Pennington Town Council wishes, once again, to thank the Fire Rescue Teams for their quick response and actions to bring the fire under control.



A wildfire broke out on Sunday 24th July 2022 at Pennington Common. The first call was put into the emergency services at 14.40, with officers from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire service on site by 14.48.

Photo credit deirdre hume


The fire was bought under control within 1.5 hours using two caf jets, four main jets and five hose reels with firefighters from Dorset and Wiltshire Fire service also in attendance. Fire crews stayed until 18.48 to damp down, with crew returning on Monday morning to extinguish a hot spot.

photo credit cllr gossage


The extent of damage travelled from the NW boundary along Ramley Road starting near to the play area and stretching towards St Marks Graveyard covering an area of approximately 0.5s hectares. At the height of the fire, thick smoke engulfed homes with the wind causing the smoke to travel many kms across Pennington and Lymington and into Boldre. No serious injuries were recorded.


Pennington Common is in the ownership of Lymington and Pennington Town Council and the management of the SSSI, part of the New Forest National Park, is undertaken in conjunction with Natural England and support from the Higher-Level Stewardship scheme.


Gorse mulching is used to reduce clumps and create fire breaks between areas of gorse, with an annual visit from an Environmental and Land Management consultant advising of areas of gorse that need to be mulched. Mulching can only be carried out from late Sept - late Feb, due to nesting birds. The necessary amount of gorse was successfully mulched by the Woodland management team in Winter 2021/2022.


Under the HLS scheme the grass can only be cut once a year from the 1st July onwards. The cutting date is altered year on year to allow for different flowers to have produced seeds, as some variety in the cutting regime is beneficial. Grass cutting took place in September 2021 and is scheduled to take place on 28 July 2022.


The Town Clerk contacted the Fire and Safety Protection Officer and Station Commander for Lymington and Pennington to ascertain if more could have been done to prevent the fire and spread, along with managing further risk during these dry conditions.


They advised that the fire breaks in the gorse worked well, enabling them to bring the fire under control quickly. Further mulching is advised near the churchyard. Had the Common already had its annual grass cut, it would have made no difference to the outcome of the fire, with gorse and dry conditions being the cause for spread.


How the wildfire started is unknown and the Town Council asks those visiting the Common to exercise caution during these very dry conditions with anything that could potentially ignite a fire.


Lymington and Pennington Town Council wishes to thank the Fire Rescue Teams that worked with professionalism and skill to bring the fire under control so quickly, we are grateful that their quick actions ensured the safety of the local community.

photo credit cllr gossage


Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR)

Annual Governance & Accountability Return

The Local Audit & Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015 set out the responsibilities of all local councils in respect of their accounting and auditing procedures.

Each year, the Council’s financial accounts and statements must be examined by an independent internal auditor appointed by the Council.  For the year 2021/22 Hampshire County Council were appointed under the operational name of Southern Internal Audit Partnership.

The Council is also required to complete an Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) which includes the findings of the Internal Auditor, together with Governance Statements and Financial Statements. The AGAR is then submitted to the independent external auditor appointed by the Audit Commission for examination.

A summary of this year’s audit process is detailed below, together with copies of the relevant documents.

Year Ending 31st March 2022

The Council’s Financial Statements and Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) submission for the year-ending 31st March 2022 had been checked by Southern Internal Audit Partnership and subsequently approved by the Full Council at its meeting held on 22nd June 2022.

The completed AGAR, together with the relevant supporting documentation, has now been submitted to the external auditor, PKF Littlejohn LLP who are required to complete their review by 30th September 2022.

Following this submission, Lymington and Pennington Town Council are publishing the Notice of Public Rights and Publication of the Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return  along with sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR –Annual Governance Statement 2021/22 (Section 1) and Accounting Statements 2021/22 (Section 2) with the Summary of Your Rights stating that any person interested has a right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the 2021/22 Financial Year. This will run for a period of six weeks commencing on 1st July 2022 to 11th August 2022. Any person who wishes to review the documentation is advised to contact the Responsible Finance Officer.

PKF Littlejohn are due to complete their audit of the AGAR for 2021/22 by the 30th September 2022.  The report will be published soon after with the audited AGAR being available for public access for a period of not less than 5 years from the date of publication stated above.



Dated 30th June 2022

PRESS RELEASE Picnic in the Park at Woodside – Platinum Jubilee

A first for Lymington & Pennington, a “Picnic in the Park” event held at Woodside Park on Sunday 5th June to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee for the Queen’s 70 years’ service to the Country.

(Photo credit of Helen Renouf)

The event was officially opened by Reverend Peter Salisbury, with an open-air thanksgiving service to the Queen, where hymns were sung and prayers offered, with the National Anthem being sung by all to mark the occasion.

Then came dancing by the students of New Forest Academy of Dance, organised by Principal, Kayleigh Sargeant, who arranged an outstanding choreographed display to music in front of the packed audience.

Music was played throughout the event by the following bands – CODA Ukulele Band, Empty Frets, Magikat and finally Free-Wheelers, who continued to play throughout the down pour of rain to the dancing crowd at the end of the event.

The children’s fun races, organized by Berni Clayton-Smith saw a huge number of local children enter to race in our childhood favourite races – Three legged, Egg & Spoon, Sack, Space Hooper, Skipping Rope and Hockey Stick & Cones. All winners received a jubilee medal.

Just before the rain came, the Dog Show had begun with 180 dogs being entered for an array of classes ranging from Best Pedigree to Dog You Would Like to Take Home. This was hugely popular and there were crowds 3 people deep watching to get a view of the winners.

An array of Charity & Community Stalls were selling cakes and offered competitions with prizes to be won, with Children’s entertainment & a Treasure Hunt provided by St. Barbes Museum and Olivia Inspires.

The Blue Light services also joined in the fun for the day with a Fire Engine, Lymington Police and the local Coastguards displaying their vehicles, with staff and volunteers talking to the children about what they do.

There were amusements in the way of trampolines, a teacup ride, hook a duck and penalty shoot-out. Lymington Town Football Club had an area that saw over 200 children try their luck at getting a goal. 

Many families brought their own picnics and joined in the relaxed atmosphere on picnic blankets, with some dining under gazebos with tables & chairs. Food & drink stalls were on hand too, with Lymington Community Centre providing traditional jubilee fare in the form of afternoon teas, cakes & sandwiches and jugs of Pimm’s supplied by the Rotary Club of Lymington.

Photo Credit of Helen Renouf

(Photo credit of Helen Renouf)

Amazing raffle prizes, including an all-inclusive week’s stay in Morocco, were on offer to be won. One lucky winner from Pennington will being taking their family away after the winning ticket was pulled with their name.  Other winning ticket numbers can be found on

This successful free event was organised collaboratively by Lymington and Pennington Town Council, Lymington Community Centre and the Rotary Club of Lymington for the local community to come together & enjoy the Platinum celebrations.  All proceeds raised from the selling of raffle tickets, which is in the region of just under £6000, will be evenly distributed to the 2 charities involved, with a third going to Compass Counselling, which is the Town Mayor’s, Councillor James Hoare, chosen charity for this year. Thanks go to everyone who attended, donated to the raffle and contributed. It was an event fit for a Queen.

Comments received about the event were:

It was a glowing success, so many people turned up, had fun with friends and there was a few things (stalls) for them to look around. Would love something like this every year. I was especially impressed with the parking, it was well organised and great fun  THANK YOU to the organiser’s

Absolutely brilliant, fabulous to see so many together with their picnics celebrating

It was brilliant, lots of different members of the community all working together with live music and a variety of fun competitions. Well organised and free to attend... plus the rain nearly stayed away until the end !! 



Winners of Queens Jubilee Platinum Raffle – Drawn at Woodside – 5th June

Winners of Queens Jubilee Platinum Raffle – Drawn at Woodside – 5th June

1st Prize – One Week Stay at Dar Louisa, Morocco for a party of 8, fully staffed & catered for – Collected at the event by the winner

Leisure Membership at Elmers Court Hotel – Collected at the event by the winner

Round of Golf for 4 people – 01942

Dinner Voucher- East End Arms – 13737

Dinner Voucher – Lanes Restaurant – 13666

Dire Straits, John Ilsley Memorabilia Package – 06213

A luxury Forest Foodie Hamper – 02051

One person Ride in a Ferrari (from Milford on Sea) – 12301

Jeroboam of Rose Wine – 00191

Original framed watercolour of “Hurst Castle & The Needles” by local artist Shaun Stevens – Collected at the event by the winner

French Food Hamper from Vitre (Twinned Town) – 00463

Handmade cushion from “Beach hut ‘n’ boats –12701

Large Ceramic Cassrole Dish – Collected at the event by the winner

Six Hand made wine glasses – 06352

Councillor James Hoare continues as Town Mayor

The Town Mayor, Councillor James Hoare, taking part in the tree planting at Woodside Park with Lymington Infant School earlier this year.

As a result of the Annual Meeting held on the 11th May 2022, Cllr James Hoare has been re-elected at the Town Mayor for Lymington and Pennington Town Council for a further year.

The Mayor gave a short speech of acceptance on the night.

“Thank you very much for choosing me to be your Mayor for a further year. It will be a particular privilege to represent Lymington and Pennington during the year of Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. I know that a number of residents plan their own street parties and other celebrations. As you all know this Council together with Rotary and Lymington Community Association are holding a Picnic in the Park on Sunday June 5th. This has involved much planning led by Cllr Corbridge and our Events and Projects Manager Luan Dray. Thank you very much to them. I am sure it will be a memorable occasion with the only variable being the weather.


Looking ahead to the next 12 months, we need to build on the good work that has been done on the Neighbourhood Plan during 2021/22. It is now important to draw together the various strands of this effort to bring a draft document to public consultation, which I fervently hope will be later this year. I would like this to be a priority for this Council as it will give all our residents a voice in shaping our community and prioritising what matters to them. The final Plan will then proceed to a Referendum for approval or otherwise.


While we are all pleased that the rigors of the pandemic are largely behind us, I am very conscious of the financial pressures facing some sectors of our population. Like other Councillors here with me, I spend some time with the Lymington Larder and New Forest Food Bank. It is distressing to see the queues of those seeking assistance grow longer. We are fortunate in having the Food Bank and other organisations ready to assist, but it is important that we all keep our ears to the ground in order that we can signpost those in need to places they can obtain help. I know that you all already have this approach, but it is going to become increasingly important during the next 12 months.


The loneliness experienced by some during the pandemic, and now the stresses associated with financial hardship have caused a greater incidence of mental illness in its many different forms across our community. With this background, my charity this year will be Compass Counselling. This local organisation does excellent work in providing counselling services to those who may not be able to afford it, or are unable to access the care they need easily through the public sector. Compass Counselling is not as well-known as some of our local charities, so I hope you will all be able to learn more about their excellent work during the year.


It is a relief that we can celebrate Her Majesty’s Jubilee without the shadow of the pandemic looming over us. However, we must be on our guard in case a new variant emerges later in the year. At least this Council has a template for providing assistance to our residents and is flexible in adapting it to the circumstances presented. Let us all hope that we do not need go down this route again.


Thank you all very much for asking me to lead this Council again next year. I look forward continuing as your Mayor, and to the work that needs to be done.”

Donating to Ukraine crisis

Lymington and Pennington Town Council stands united with the people of Ukraine during this ongoing crisis. 

At a time when the ongoing violence is causing people to flee their homes and take refuge in its bordering countries, we ask ourselves what can we do to help. 

 The number of people making donations has been momentous, with distribution centres across our country overwhelmed with gifts in support of people now temporarily or permanently displaced.  

 Charities such as The Red Cross and Oxfam are responding to the crisis, working closely on the ground with local aid agencies to purchase items, including medical supplies, sanitary items and hygiene equipment.  They are able to move quickly, purchasing locally without shipping delays and stimulating the local economy with a lower environmental impact. That's why making a cash donation is one of the most effective ways to give your support.

Links to charities:

The Red Cross


Save the Children

If you may be able to offer a home to refugees, the government has set up a new Homes for Ukraine scheme, for more information and to register and interest visit Homes for Ukraine