Engaging with the Community on the Neighbourhood Plan
Pre-Submission Plan Regulation 14 Public Consultation
Lymington and Pennington Town Council is giving notice under Regulation 14 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 that the Lymington and Pennington Neighbourhood Plan is out for pre-submission public consultation.
The consultation period will run from Wednesday 7th August 2024 until Wednesday 9th October 2024.
Representations must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 9th October 2024 in writing to the Town Council Office, Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington SO41 9ZG, or by email to info@lymandpentc.org.uk or by filling in the online form below.
How can I view the Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents?
You can download here:
A hard copy of the Pre Submission documents are available to view in the following locations:
Town Council Offices, Lymington Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington SO41 9ZG
NFDC Reception, Lymington Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington SO41 9ZG
St Barbe Museum, New Street, Lymington, SO41 9BH
Pennington Pharmacy, 14 South Street, Pennington, SO41 8ED.
How can I comment on the Pre Submission documents?
Email: Please email your comments or views to info@lymandpentc.org.uk
Post or hand delivered: Lymington and Pennington Town Council, Town Council Offices, Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington SO41 9ZG
Online Form: Complete the form below
Please note, the deadline to submit your comment and views is 5pm Wednesday 9th October 2024
Informal Consultation
As well as the formal consultation it is good to engage with the community on the plan to raise awareness and take into account other considerations for the plan.
The Lymington and Pennington Neighbourhood Plan ran informal consultations in 2017 and 2023.
We have analysed all the results of the survey you can download a report of the findings. Thank you to all that took the time to complete a survey.
Both exhibitions at Lymington and Pennington were well attended, Councillors and Town Council Officers were available to answer questions and guide local residents on the Neighbourhood Plan. Many representatives of local interest groups attended the meeting on the 9th October, with members of the Steering group, Town Council Officers and the consultant from ONeilhomer, answering numerous questions on the plan.
For those who didn't get the chance to visit the exhibition the details displayed can be downloaded here.
An informal consultation on the draft policies and other aspects of the Neighbourhood Plan opens on 30th September 2023.
30th September 11am—1pm Exhibition Council Chamber, Lymington Town Hall, Avenue Road, SO41 9ZG. Open to all residents.
7th October 12.30am—2.30pm Exhibition St Marks Church Hall, Ramley Rd, Pennington SO41 8GQ. Open to all residents
9th October 10am. A question/answer meeting with consultants and Steering Group members. Invitation only for representatives from Local interest groups . If you are a local interest group and haven't received and an invitation please contact us info@lymandpentc.org.uk
Information from all the display boards at both exhibitions can be found here.
To complete the online survey click the link. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/XRNJFW6
Paper surveys are available from the Town Council Offices.
We have analysed all the results of the survey you can download a report of the findings. Thank you to all that took the time to complete a survey.
Hundreds of Lymington residents visited the exhibition on Friday and Saturday in Lymington. Over 600 surveys were handed out, with many already returned to the office or filled in online. Thanks to all who took the time to visit. Another good turnout at Pennington with residents arriving constantly throughout the 4 hour period, hundreds more surveys were handed out with many already returned.
For those who didn't get the chance to visit the exhibition the details displayed can be downloaded here.
As part of the Neighbourhood Plan process there is a period of public consultation. This is an opportunity for the community to have an involvement in shaping the Neighbourhood Plan for Lymington and Pennington.
Everyone is invited to our consultation on the Lymington and Pennington's Neighbourhood Plan. There will be an exhibition detailing the proposed development in our area. We would like your contribution to the Neighbourhood Plan and invite you to complete a questionnaire helping us to decide where development should take place and how to best support the development and infrastructure in our area.
The consultation starts on Friday 23rd June 2017, there is an exhibition from 6pm - 8pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington SO31 9ZG. There is a a further exhibition on Saturday 24th June, 10am - 2pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington SO31 9ZG and Saturday 1st July 2017, 10am - 2pm at St Marks Church, Ramley Road, Pennington, Hampshire, SO41 8GQ .
The survey is open until Monday 17th July 2017