Application for Grant Aid 2023

Lymington & Pennington Town Council is pleased to announce that applications for Grant Aid may be submitted between 15 September 2023 and 15 November 2023 

Grant awards will be made in December 2023.


If your Organisation’s objectives are to benefit the residents of Lymington and Pennington, you are encouraged to apply for a Grant. 


Please click here to obtain an Grant Aid Application Form and click here to see the Grant Policy

Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR)

29 June 2023

Annual Governance & Accountability Return

The Local Audit & Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015 set out the responsibilities of all local councils in respect of their accounting and auditing procedures.

Each year, the Council’s financial accounts and statements must be examined by an independent internal auditor appointed by the Council.  For the year 2022/23 Hampshire County Council were appointed under the operational name of Southern Internal Audit Partnership.

The Council is also required to complete an Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) which includes the findings of the Internal Auditor, together with Governance Statements and Financial Statements. The AGAR is then submitted to the independent external auditor appointed by the Audit Commission for examination.

A summary of this year’s audit process is detailed below, together with copies of the relevant documents.

Year Ending 31st March 2023

The Council’s Financial Statements and Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) submission for the year-ending 31st March 2023 had been checked by Southern Internal Audit Partnership and subsequently approved by the Full Council at its meeting held on 21st June 2023.

The completed AGAR, together with the relevant supporting documentation, has now been submitted to the external auditor, BDO LLP who are required to complete their review by 30th September 2023.

Following this submission, Lymington and Pennington Town Council are publishing the Notice of Public Rights and Publication of the Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return along with sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR –Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 (Section 1) and Accounting Statements 2022/23 (Section 2) with the Summary of Your Rights stating that any person interested has a right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the 2022/23 Financial Year. This will run for a period of six weeks commencing on 3rd July 2023 to 11th August 2023. Any person who wishes to review the documentation is advised to contact the Responsible Finance Officer.

BDO LLP are due to complete their audit of the AGAR for 2022/23 by the 30th September 2023.  The report will be published soon after with the audited AGAR being available for public access for a period of not less than 5 years from the date of publication stated above.



Lymington Tennis Centre Refurbishment

The Tennis Centre located at Lymington Sports Ground is undergoing a court resurfacing and fencing replacement commencing 12th June 2023.

 The construction work will take please between the hours of 8am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.

 The main construction work is scheduled to take 8 weeks with a further 4 weeks to allow for curing before painting.

 Large construction vehicles will be accessing the car park for approximately 5 days of the project, to deliver the court surface.  On these days, the car park will be closed, and cars must be removed before 8am or risk being locked in.  Notices will be placed on the car park advising of these dates nearer the time.

The routes across the sports field, taken by the construction vehicles, will be fenced off.  Please take extra care when visiting the ground and keep away from the fenced area.

 The Tennis club is temporarily using the courts at Woodside Park during this time.  Members of public that regularly use these courts are advised to contact the Town Council.  We are working with the Tennis club to try to accommodate everyone.

Woodside Court usage:

Tuesday 8am – Sat 11am inclusive (Lymington Tennis Club)

Saturday 11am – Tuesday 8am inclusive (Open to all)

 Additional dates the Tennis Club are utilising the courts are:

Sunday 30th July 1030 - 1300

Saturday 5th August 1300- 1600

Sunday 13th august 1030 - 1300

Saturday 26th August 1300-1600

Sunday 27th August 1000 - 1300

 If you have any questions or comments please contact the Town Council on 01590 630830 or email

Local Elections - Results

We are awaiting the Declarations of Poll from New Forest District Council to confirm results

The results that came through from the live count are as follows;

Please keep checking NFDC results for full voting numbers

Buckland Ward

JEARRAD Edward Liberal Democrats Elected

KING Jeremy Victor Liberal Democrats Elected

PHILLIPS Hannah Liberal Democrats Elected

Lymington Town Ward

DUNNING Barry Frank Conservative Elected

ENGLAND Jacqueline Annette Independent Elected

FROST Sara Amanda Jane Conservative Elected

GRAY Richard Curtis Liberal Democrats Elected

PENSON Alan Keith Conservative Elected

Pennington Ward

BRINDLEY Thomas Henry Conservative Elected

DAVIES Jack Liberal Democrats Elected

HUMBER Martina Mary Ann Pennington Community Elected

LEWIS Iestyn Goronwy Liberal Democrats Elected

LOVELESS Ian Mark Conservative Elected

MCCARTHY Colm Vincent Liberal Democrat Elected

MORGAN Simon Anthony Crawford Liberal Democrats Elected


05 May 2023

Water Bottle Refill Station installed at Bath Road Recreation Ground

A new water bottle refill station has been installed at Bath Road Recreation Ground.  Sited close to the riverside walk, it will enable users of the popular recreation area to access fresh water, whilst reducing the reliance on single use plastics.     

The outgoing Town Mayor is pictured at the water bottle refill station, installed by Lymington and Pennington Town Council.  A Coastal Fountain Fund grant of £2,000, was awarded by the Sea-Changers charity.  



Town and Parish Elections 4th May 2023


The statutory notices published below all relate to the Lymington and Pennington District, and Town and Parish elections scheduled to take place on Thursday 4 May 2023. 

Hard copies of all notices will be available for inspection at Lymington Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington SO41 9ZG

District Election
Lymington District Ward Notice of Election
Pennington District Ward Notice of Election

Town and Parish Election

Lymington & Pennington Town Council Notice of Election (Buckland Ward)
Lymington & Pennington Town Council Notice of Election (Lymington Ward)
Lymington & Pennington Town Council Notice of Election (Pennington Ward)